
The Jump Ranch Deep Mine contains the Squire Jim Coal Seam. The drilling information indicates that the total Squire Jim coalbed thicknesses range from 24 to 60 inches in the proposed deep mine area. The drill logs indicted at least two rock partings in the seam. With the thickness of the rock partings subtracted from the total seam thickness, the coal ranges from 22 to 36 inches. Reserve estimates prepared by Project Solutions, LLC indicate a net clean coal reserve 1,929,0071 tons with production expected to reach 20,000 tons per month of net coal within 6 months.

Mining Practice

The deep mining practice to be employed on the Squire Jim coal seam is called the room and pillar method. The room and pillar method involves using the following equipment:

• Miner: machine equipped with a cutting head to shear the coal from the seam
• Scoop: to load the coal
• Shuttle car: used to transport coal to a conveyor belt system
• Roof bolter: used to pin the roof of the mine in support of the ground control plan.

The deep mine will be setup as a walking super section mine which is two sets of mining equipment operating simultaneously and sharing a common dumping point on the same section, with each set being ventilated by a separate split on intake air. The super section layout has been determined the most efficient and economical way to setup long term production within this project. The industry recognized recovery factor for the room and pillar method is 60% of the in-place reserves. Coal reserve estimates prepared by Project Solutions, LLC indicate a net clean reserve of 1,929,007 tons. Production of the deep mine will ramp up from 5,000 tons to 20,000 tons per month of metallurgical coal within 6 months.

Project Map

Project Map